★「国内死亡数が急増、1~3月3.8万人増 コロナ感染死の4倍」なる記事が、6月5日の日本経済新聞に載って大騒ぎになったとか。
UK Government Report & Excess Deaths Data confirm COVID Vaccination takes 5 months to kill recipients
By The Expose on July 31, 2022
な~んだ、ドンピシャじゃん。大規模ワクチン接種キャンペーンって、去年の8月前後だよね? コロナワクチンが5ヶ月掛けてせっせと接種者を殺すんだから、超過死亡が激増するのは当然!
Data published by the UK Government reveals the vaccinated population in England has a higher mortality rate per 100,000 than the unvaccinated population.
The figures show that it takes approximately 5 months from receiving the Covid-19 vaccine for that elevated mortality rate to be realised.
This, therefore, implies the mass winter "Booster" vaccination campaign is to blame for the sudden rise in weekly excess deaths across England since the end of April 2022.
★原因が不明だとは口が裂けても言えないものだから、「大人突然死症候群」だとか「神のみぞ知る症候群(a mysterious syndrome)」だとかって、エビデンスには不自由していない筈なのにな~。
The most recent week shows that there were 10,515 deaths in England and Wales, equating to 1,113 excess deaths against the five-year average. But this is a trend that has been occurring since the end of April 2022.
The question is, why?
You've likely seen the headlines in recent months on Doctors being baffled by an uptick in "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" (SADS)?
If you haven't then we have covered it in detail in an article you can read here. But this "baffling" uptick in healthy young people dying unexpectedly from "a mysterious syndrome", and the fact excess deaths are on the rise again in England and Wales is simply because of Covid-19 vaccination.